Monday, February 27, 2012

Mother Of Two

I will make two meals for the three other members of my family before it occurs to me to eat. I will meticulously dress my daughter and leave the house in the clothes I slept in. I will re-organize the play kitchen approximately 1,000 times before I ever get around to re-organizing the actual kitchen. I will read 10,000 books to the kids before I finish one of my own. I will set out to buy a new article of clothing for myself and buy outfits/shoes for the kids every time.

I will hear about everyone's day and then type my thoughts into a blog post. I will supervise both kids' tooth brushing and be too tired to walk back to the bathroom one more time. I will burst into tears over shoes in the doorway again. I will be gleeful about the amazing new non-stick pan. I will spend a month designing and hand crafting invitations for 2yr olds. I will know every Laurie Berkner song ever composed and not recognize a single song on the radio in over an hour.

I will feel guilt for perceived judgment when I don't get everything I intend to do done in a day. I will feel insecure around other moms on the playground. I will look forward to a trip to Target all week. I will spend a year going to the local library and never see anything outside the kids section. I will refer to my mom as Grandma even when there are no children present. I will worry more about my son's school work than he does. I will imagine being an emptynester every day and than cry every day of their 18th year(s).

I will consider watching a TV show with my co-parent "quality time". I will be more likely to find finger puppets in my purse than lip gloss. I will consider yelling at my GPS an adult conversation. I will continue to witness behavior in my children, remember doing it to my parents and be sorry. I will treasure the moments I occasionally resent. I will take 3,000 pictures of the kids before I ask someone to take one of me.

I have two kids.

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