Things have been usually rough lately. Big things completely out of my control have been going wrong. When it rains, you now? Like a row of muddy puddles I keep stepping in. As soon as my shoe is dry, sloosh! Time to invest in mud colored footwear
One such merky puddle being the loss of my domain name. I hate how shady the whole thing was. Someone had "called dibs" (put it on back order) and somehow my account number mysterously disappears from my account perventing autopay. I received niether the email notifiactions they claim to have sent or my requested phone call. As a result my page is full of porn. I mean, that's seriously shady, right? It's not just me? I didn't think so.
I was so overwhelmed by the whole thing. I'd gone out of my way to make sure I never lost it again and for all my effort it was taken from me?!? Ugh, where are the fairness police? What I immediately realized, once I shook it off, was that for all the overwhelming emotion I felt this time, I didn't feel the life or death need to restore it at any cost. It felt more like grieving.
I think the Hedgehog Blog as we know it is gone. That doesn't mean I won't start again maybe with a slightly different format, heaven knows a different provider and a new address. However, I'm still sloshing through the mud. As much as I would love the katharsis of joking about it with my blog fans my time is completely consumed with other things at the moment and starting a new site/format, etc is a bigger project than I have energy for just now. Muddy shoes are heavy.
It has been suggested that this door slammed rather forcibly shut because this is my window to start a book. I appreciate my friends love and support, but again don't feel like my head is in the right place to start the project right now. This is just a note to say thank you for reading, hopefully enjoying and maybe even caring about me over the last five years! I appreciate it very much. I'll be back writing again in one form or another as soon as things get a little less crazy. I haven't forgotten you guys.
Just Keep Swimming!
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