Monday, September 6, 2010

Hedgehogs, Hedgehogs Everywhere

Hedgehog Party Dress: Daddy made it. Red cordoroy, cream linen, homemade hedgehog patch. Riley loved it.
Hedgehog Smash Cake: My friend Diana made the cakes for me.
Hedgehog Cake: Isn't she beautiful?
The Hedgehog Fort: We bought the structure and fabric, but Mike carved the hedgehog face out of foam.
Hedgehog Watermelon: Doreen made this for us from a picture we found. And lots and lots of hedgehog decorations!!
The next morning on her actual birthday Riley woke up in such a good mood she said "play" and when we went into her room she looked at each of her new toys in turn and said "hi". (: It was a wonderful party with lots of good friends and cake. It was a party full of love and hedgehogs!


  1. We are so sorry we missed Riley's party. It looks like it was a beautiful day. We just didn't get back to town in time. A belated happy birthday to Riley! Hope to see you soon.

  2. I'm hanging on to Emeline's goodie bag for her. Let's try to get the girls together before I go into the hospital.
