Friday, April 5, 2013

Conversations With Cute

New Jeans

Me:Do you like these jeans, Riley? (her new big girl jeans-above)
Riley:Yeah! They are cute-ing my head off!

Me: Are you ready to go play with our friend?
Riley: Mom, that's so special! That is special-ing me out!

Discussing Dr. Seuss' body of work.
Me: He wrote One Fish Two Fish, Green Eggs and Ham...
Riley: And Ninja Turtles!!
Me: No honey. He wrote The Lorax, Hortan Hears a Who, The Sneetches...
Me: No Sweetie, Dr Seuss did NOT write Ninja Turtle.
Riley: Who wrote Ninja Turtles?
Me: I'm not sure.
Riley: It was Dr. Seuss.

Daddy's turn for a funny:
Me: Mike hand me a new deodorant from the shelf, please.
(he is instantly overwhelmed because there's more than one choice)
Mike: Um, which one?
Me: It doesn't matter
(He hands me a new deodorant) Mike: This is a special clear one, for when you go topless

Minor Helmet

Riley: This snow globe doesn't light up anymore. Can you fix it?
Mike: The light fell out a long time a go.
Riley: Oh, put another one in.
Mike: I don't have another one, but you can put your Dora flashlight under it and it will light up.
Riley: (running towards her room) Ok!
(having been unable to locate her flashlight she has set the snowglobe on the lamp of her minors helmet)
Mike & I: Good idea, Riley. You did it, etc...
Riley: I didn't find my flashlight so I used this! Am I a gen-ee-ious?

Me: I'm in the bathroom, Riley.
Riley: Oh, I will leave you alone to potty. I'll go back to what I was doing.

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