Riley dressed as an animal doctor for "community helper day". I helped her plan it all out, but I was still in the hospital when in it happened. She wore Daddy's white shirt over her clothes for a lab coat (she took it off before this picture), her teddy bear apron, Grandma's stethoscope with the puppy cover and her hedgehog barrette. The whole idea revolved around being able to bring her new plush Apple Jack pony to school. Isn't it cute?
While I was in the hospital my husband, my mother and my best friend took care of my kiddos. I feel beyond blessed to have had their help. The first back surgery Isaac was only in first grade and Riley was a tiny baby. They understood so little of what was happening. It was the same for Mike and I, we were blindsided by the enormity of it all. This time, Thank God, we had no illusions. This time we were prepared (as much as you can be). How prepared? They never ran out of milk while I was gone or fed the kids fast food. Pat, pat, pat. But it would have meant nothing without the love and support my kids got.
It was so important to me that my kids, who now both fully understood what was happening, felt secure. I can't stand the idea of them suffering because of me. It was wonderful to see happy smiling pictures of them while I was away. It's amazing how well everything went and how little upset to the schedule they had. Thank you, thank you to everyone who pitched in.
Grand idea....only Miss Roo could pull this off !! You're one lucky mom
I sure am.