Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Couple of Screws Loose!

AHHHH Creepy Smile
Bag of Parts
Yes, that all came out of me. Click any picture to enlarge.

Forgive the less than sharp writing in this one. It's difficult to articulate details of such a significant event, that coupled with the fact that sitting at the computer was not an option for so long. There have been way too many days like Tuesday. I hung in there on an empty stomach for hours. When Mike told me it was time to go I abandoned my knee jerk neurosis about being on time in favor of denial and fear. We were late to check in at the hospital and I did not care. If you know me you'll understand the significance.

I knew my last back surgery left me with baggage, but I had no idea how heavy all those bags were until now. I was disoriented by all the things that gave me comfort earlier. New hospital, new doctor, new surgery...I felt like I was surrounded by sound and people, but nothing made much sense. In my head I was screaming and trying to cope with where I was.

When I woke up reality seemed more...solid. Nothing like some intense pain to "ground" you. The pain was more intense than I was expecting, but the emotions that came with having post surgical back pain were almost worse. Obviously, I toughed it out and got back home. It's a long road of recovery ahead, but nowhere near as long as last time. Onward a few pounds of hardware lighter I go...


  1. Wow! That's a lot of metal! Hoping your pain eases soon, and you can get it well managed until then.

  2. Amazing. So glad that you are starting to feel better. Susan

    1. I keep thinking about the first doctor who wanted to put a hardware store inside a person...something else.

  3. Jesus Katie please don't ever let them do that again...I've been sending my love,blessings & prayers for you:-)
