Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Color Week

Red Day Yellow Day
Green Day Blue Day
Orange Day

Presented not in the order of the visible light spectrum, but in the order her teacher requested they be worn. I know Riley had a lot of fun with color week and the pictures make me happy so I thought I'd share.

What is pink? a rose is pink
By a fountain's brink.
What is red? a poppy's red
In its barley bed.
What is blue? the sky is blue
Where the clouds float thro'.
What is white? a swan is white
Sailing in the light.
What is yellow? pears are yellow,
Rich and ripe and mellow.
What is green? the grass is green,
With small flowers between.
What is violet? clouds are violet
In the summer twilight.
What is orange? Why, an orange,
Just an orange!

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