Friday, October 1, 2010


I found The Nursing Mother's Companion: Revised Edition second hand at a consignment store and kept it next to the rocker in Riley's room for a year. It was a good resource. Very "yay breastfeeding" and all that. I decided to see what information it offered on weaning. It basically said buy our other book, but I should have known it would be a mistake because even that sounded pushy and judgemental.

It's called The Nursing Mother's Guide to Weaning, Revised Edition. Please feel free to click the link and "look inside" so you know I'm not exaggerating. This book really, really pushed to continue breastfeeding to the age of 4. Ok, fine if I were going to do that I might need the support of a book that validates that choice (Which should be a guide to extended nursing not weaning), but it's a weaning book shouldn't it at least be understanding if not encouraging about weaning? I was given lots of historical data on the physical and emotional damage weaning has done through the ages right off the bat. I had to put the book down several times and collect myself. When I turned to the appropriate chapter for weaning my one to two year old I was barraged with questions insinuating I was probably doing this for all the wrong reasons or wasn't really "ready." It was kind of awful.

I started to feel sick reading about all the bad things that could happen. When I got to the "useful" part it was alot of what I'd read else where, but it wasn't presented in a hopeful way. Here's an example: "Weaning an avid nurser by distraction requires a lot of diligence. You can't let your child see you undressed. You may have to avoid cradling your child in your arms, or even sitting or laying down in her presence. You may have to stay away from your favorite nursing places, such as the bed or couch, and doing things that prompted nursing before, like talking on the phone." Uh, yeah right. I just never sit down or hold my baby again, perfect.

What am I supposed to take away from this? It felt like they were saying "it's almost impossible so just breastfeed and hope your baby losses interest before college." Now I'm being ridiculous, but I felt more frustrated instead of less after reading this book. Where is the non-judgemental, this is a hard decision but you can do it book for the educated mother who just wants to feel a little more informed? For all the reasons I loved the sleep book I just read I hated this one. I'm glad I got it at the library I can't wait to give it back! GRRRRR....

1 comment:

  1. These books NEVER take into consideration medical reasons. I'm thinking of you both.
