How things have changed. I remember taking Riley to Dr. J the very first time and wondering how do you leave the house with one of these new people? Not only have they seen Riley grow up, but they have seen me in various states of mobility (in pain, post-op, etc). Today, I took her to Boo's and then picked her up to go to the appointment. She said "Bye-bye. Go visit doc-er J." She even wished her friends farewell using their first and last names, so cute.
On the way there we talked about birthdays and our plan for the rest of the week. It's so nice to have a fully articulated conversation in the car. I do not miss they days of wondering if the silence meant she was okay or sleeping or in trouble or what? I made the mistake of reminding her what reward awaits good little girls at the doctor's office. She walked in the door asking for "lollipop! pee-sah". I can't even remember how many time I told her "we're not done yet."
She is a whole 23.5lbs and 33 and 3/4ins. My daughter made it on the growth chart. She was skeptical, but tolerant of all the poking and prodding. The doc wanted to know if she was still using a bottle, which made me laugh both because it's been so long and she used one all of 6 or 7 times probably. I told him we've been practicing with regular cups.
He also asked about sleeping and I reported that she's been in a big girl bed since March. When he asked if she stays in it and I answered she only gets up to go to the bathroom he was a little surprised. I reported her potty training along with use of full sentences and recognition of her name and a few letters (brag, brag, brag).
When he asked if I had any questions I reported her unnatural attachment to this muffin toy. It came up in the last 2wks, but it's a serious thing when she can't find or reach the silly think. My guess was that with Mommy getting busy and going out a few nights left her feeling a little anxiety. The doc said two years often do have attachment objects and any time independence increases separation anxiety can re-surface.
Someday, I'll tell her about her muffin and she probably won't believe me. I guess I shouldn't laugh, I still have my blankie. I'm so lucky to have such a sweet, healthy, smart little girl.
Sounds great-she’s smart and healthy and bright and interested in the world around her.