After what I'm sure was the longest day EVER I went out. Like really out. Just me no kids to some where that wasn't a doctor's appointment or a grocery store. In the final moments of preparing to go out I whipped up dinner and preheated the oven, without realizing Mike had stored a plastic tray in it. It was a disaster. I was all ready to bake dinner for 25min and blow dry my hair when I noticed the smell. So instead of hair and make-up I spent 25min waiting for the oven to cool and scrapping melted plastic from the racks. It was awful.
When I left I realized I didn't have my wheelchair. This was a huge problem because I'd never be able to survive the hike from the car to our seats, but beyond that we had accessible seats so my wheelchair is my seat. A trip back to the house later, unloading the chair to put it in D's car, goodbyes and so on we hit the road 30mins later than we planned. At that point I accepted our tardiness and expressed how little I cared about the opening act.
A fast food dinner and a nice chat later, we were there. Parking was free and reasonably close but in high grass. Our seats were also pretty good and the rain had stopped. We made it for the last two songs from Jared Neiman and largely ignored them. It was just good to be out.
We got home well after midnight and unlike the youngin's with their short shorts and cowboy boots we got up with toddlers the next morning.
Unlike the plastic tray tho... Cindi