I should have known what kind of day it was going to be from the start. Riley woke me with urgency and fresh on the heels of her stomach virus I jumped out of bed worried to discover she was simply requesting a prompt breakfast. Then I selflessly kept the kids entertained and away from the bedroom so Mike could sleep. Mike got up just as I was putting Riley down for a nap at noon.
I didn't mind because I knew we didn't have any plans and I figured post nap it would be his turn. It turned out, being the good son he is, he had to go help his mom with car and computer trouble. So, after a whole week of a cranky toddler and way more exorcize than I bargained for I got a whole Saturday alone with the kids. I've gotten all, but one hamper of laundry done. That's an accomplishment since I had to dig my way into the laundry room with a fork lift.
On top of kids, messy house, laundry stress I've had a healthy amount of surprising news. Nothing Earth shattering just sad stuff, I'll get over it. I'm very tired and I seem to be leaving upset people in my wake lately. I love my friends and I try to be considerate and appreciative of them all the time, but I've failed more then once recently. I feel terrible about it.
I feel selfish and oblivious because I am obsessed with my wedding and my recovery in every spare moment of thought. You heard me of thought because there aren't any space moments for deeds right now. I am trying to inhale, exhale and mend fences. I am attempting to let the hurt I feel today roll of my back. If someone is immature enough to go out of their way to make a show how little they care for me than let them. I don't want to force people to do things. I want to take of myself and the people who love me and let the rest go.
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