Tuesday, April 22, 2014

100 Days of Happy: Second Ten

For those of you unfamiliar with the sunny little campaign that's making the rounds on social media click here.

Here's round two of my daily happy. In case you missed one through ten they're here. Please don't misunderstand, there has been plenty of sadness, disappointment, frustration and pain in the last almost three weeks these are the bight spots. In all honesty, most days I had trouble deciding which happy moment should represent the day. It has an amazing effect on your perspective. Also, once I got in the habit of sharing daily happy moments it was much harder to complain publicly.

Here's eleven through twenty:

Day 11

The kids & I are off to see the Wizard! Next weekend (:

This was extra special because not only do I love the theater and the Wizard of Oz, but an old friend from college was one of the musicians for this run of the show!

Day 12

Puppy Cuddles!

She's always there for me when I have a rough day. I just love her so much.

Day 13

Booked a movie date.

Opportunity, kicked in the door and I knew it was time to use the gift card my lovely sister gave us for Christmas. We're going to see Transcendence with Johnny Depp and Morgan Freeman. Woohoo, date night!

Day 14

Face painting!

When they offered face painting at school the parents all had to sign a permission slip. The teacher started to say "sign this if she wants her face..." then laughed and said "here." Obviously, Roo was over the moon. Isn't face painting great? I wish there were more opportunities for it.

Day 15

Being Appreciated!

It was parent appreciation day at Roo's school. This little bag had a "seven minute breakfast" it was a juice box, small banana and a pastry. I loved it, especially the little owl note.

Day 16


Day 17

A great night at the theater!

The show was amazing! I'm so glad the kids and I got to see it. Breathtaking. I hope it becomes a cherished memory for the kids it certainly will be one of mine. I'm so glad I didn't give up on finding tickets we could afford, where's there'a will there's a way!

Day 18


Day 19

Volunteering at Riley's school makes me happy! I love these guys!

Day 10

I'm tempted to write the word "massage" and leave it at that but it wouldn't be accurate. What makes me happy is knowing I'm taking care of myself and naturally managing my pain.

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