Thursday, April 17, 2014

Conversations With Cute Spring 2014


In the car over the weekend Riley asked if she could watch Antz later. I thought it was pretty random, but I said sure. It never happened that day, but the next morning after breakfast she asked again.
Her brother put on Antz.
About 2 minutes of movie play...
"This isn't the right Antz!"
Mike tries to figure out what she means, he describes the later part of Antz.
"No, the one with the people in it"
He describes A Bugs Life, James and the Giant Peach, Fly Me to the Moon (she insists none of these are the movie she wants)
Riley thinks VERY hard for a few seconds... "Yellow Submarine!"
She was thinking of the "Beatles".

On the way home from school:
Don't let me pass our turn, ok Riley?
Ok mom. Just...just go straight and then...turn in the shape of the letter "L"
Ok thanks. This one?
Yes the brown one.
The one with eggs on the door?
Mom, who put those eggs there?
I did.
No, say like a joke that the Easter Bunny did.
Ok. Riley who put those there?
The Easter Bunny!
Ok, now I'll tell you one...why did the Easter on the eggs?
Ew, Riley. That's gross.
You should tell that joke to Isaac instead.
Oh, why? Does he like gross things?
Does he like poop?
Probably, it's gross
(Walks inside)Hey Isaac what do you like?
She wants you to say poop.
Say poop.
Isaac! What do you like?
(Hysterical laughter)
(In an incredibly serious tone) Not really though, Riley. It's gross.

I went in to read to Riley's class yesterday. I got there early and watched their Greek lesson.
Greek Teacher: Who remembers what this song is about?
Riley: It's about bees that work very hard. They work hard to make their honey. Then a bear eats it! They get mad.
GT: Bravo, Riley
Another kid in Roo's class: Why does the bear eat the honey?
Roo's teacher: She made a mistake
Same kid: Oh, she made a mistake!
Different little boy: I LOVE steaks (he even licked his lips)
*I THINK he heard "she made him a steak", but who knows?

Riley are you excited to go see your friend's new house after school?
Yeah! I can't wait to use the bathroom!!
Because it's Purple!
Oh, ok silly.


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