Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Milestones All Around

Things are changing quickly around here. Isaac is in 3rd grade. It boggles the mind. The potty has left the living room. Riley speaks in full sentences (ie "We need to fix it, Daddy."). What's happening?

Riley goes into the bathroom like a big girl now to use her little potty and she's gotten the procedure down much better. Pull down (by herself), sit down, potty, wipe (sometimes on her own), pull up (by herself) and wash hands with help. Phew! She's been accident free at home and away for the most part. She's going to be 2yrs old in about 2wks! Invites are sent, favors are here, cake is being conceived and we're (almost) ready to roll. I'm excited and sad, but she acts so much older than she is it seems funny that she's not two yet.

As for her older brother, he started at a new school this year. It's exciting because it's close enough for even me to walk (wheelchair) beside him to and from school. His new school also has free breakfast for everyone in the morning, so he goes early and eats with his friends before class. He has Mrs C. in the morning for language arts and Mr. M in the afternoon for science and math. He reported that his first day was "Awesome. Awesome. Awesome." I'm highly impressed with the organization level at dismissal and the over all level of calm among the staff it really puts the high stress chaos of his former school to shame.

As if all that weren't amazing enough, he gets to go back to his old school once a week when gifted starts. He'll have his old teacher and see all of his friends. Plus, he's thrilled to finally get to ride the smelly old yellow school bus. I'm noticing a change in him already. I don't know if it's maturity or just the effects of a calmer school environment. I hope he fulfills some of his potential this year. It's always what you make of it in the end.

My kids are growing up and I'm falling behind the times. I had to look up words in people's facebook statuses this week?!? Sigh, it's as it should be I suppose.

1 comment:

  1. What words are stumping you, Katie ?~! I am so surprised to hear you say that....
