Monday, October 10, 2011

The Plan on Paper vs Realizing the Plan

This morning...Wait a minute, rewind to last night when from 5:45-7:15am my two year old climbed on me, slept, kicked me, tried to convince "it's morn-ingg, Mommy Moo!" and other fun things of that sort. I was determined not to let it hamper my plan. Ok, so I wasn't staging a complicated bank robbery, but getting through a Monday with kids and housework after a bad pain day on little sleep is always tricky.

I got up and immediately starting working on the plan. Mentally ticking things off as I went. Riley's breakfast-check. Trash got taken out-check. Isaac to school check. And so on. I was doing well. Everything was moving along on schedule. I didn't get my hair or teeth brushed, but that's always a bonus on Mondays. I saw the boys out the door and parked Riley in front of a movie for a few minutes of relative calm. About 30min later my cleaning help arrived.

I let her in and Riley and I were off to the store. The plan was to get Riley out of the way for floors to get done and be back in time to have help unloading a week's worth of groceries. When I got to the store I had my wheelchair, my crutch, and Riley's backpack with me. There was also the option to push a cart or ride on an electric one. Of course I couldn't figure out how to hang on to Riley and the groceries in any way that saved me from walking around the whole store. We ended up with a cart.

When we were done (for like the 4th time in my whole life) I asked for help out. I was really proud of myself. When I got home I had help to unload, YAY plan! After that we ate the easy lunch we picked up at the store (Yay plan some more!). Then it was clearly time for a nap. I met some resistance, but once I put my foot down all was quiet. I cleaned up lunch and laid down too. See, I'm really trying to take care of myself here.

The next part of plan didn't work out. I wanted to return the library books and maybe check out some books for Isaac's gifted topic and refresh the Halloween options for Riley. By the time Riley woke up (I am NOT complaining) it was too late for anything other that meeting Isaac. I don't like to run errands during homework time anymore third grade responsibilities are a lot more rigorous. It also seemed wise to take it easy so I can make dinner rather than pushing it since the books aren't due until tomorrow.

Sometimes I decide things and end up with deadline that don't make sense when plans change. So the plan went out the window after lunch, oh well. I also just realized I hadn't thought tomorrow out very well and an added to do (emergency field trip money drop off) has shaken things up a bit. That is how it goes, I suppose. Excuse I need to start prepping dinner and checking on homework progress.


  1. Flexibility is key to raising kids and dealing with a spouse. I like to say we each compromise a dozen times a day. And that’s when it all goes fine !~!

  2. True! I do fine compromising with them what I'm really working on is compromising with the demands and deadlines I put on myself. The last 48hrs have been goood for that though.
