Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Check-up Time

Every so often (probably less often than I should) I check in with my regular doctor. The impetus this time was my impending birthday and some requests from the DMV. You see they've passed a new law that requires more frequent letters of eligibility for disabled parking permits. That is all well and good, but I don't think it will cut down on fraud the way they are hoping. The criminals will still cart granny to the doctor for a letter and then use her tag for their own ends. What's needed is more enforcement of the rules. I understand it's a question of resources, but the only way to change things is to start catching and punishing more cheaters.

From the stand point of someone with a permanent life long disability the requirement is pretty humorous:
Dear DMV,
I did NOT wake up without Cerebral Palsy this year.
It reminds me of the time my high school demanded a doctor's note stating that my wheelchair could not go up the stairs before I could have an elevator key. Sigh.

Anyway, as it turns out I'm in pretty good shape. Reasonably sized, reasonable blood pressure, reasonable heart and lung function. My only compliant being more frequent migraines lately. Weather? Stress? Not enough sleep? He was most concerned about how tired I looked. I explained that I'd had a few pretty intense nightmares. We discussed them, but couldn't pinpoint an obvious cause. It could be that I recently started getting the paper delivered (for the coupons) and you can't ignore some of those headlines. Maybe it's because I've been watching my fair share of Twilight Zone since the New Year's Eve marathon. Darn it, Rod! It's really neither here than there.

I left with my letter for the DMV and a prescription for migraine medicine. I hope it will be another year and a half before I'm back in again. I like my primary care very much, but visits are so expensive especially if you're sick.

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