Monday, January 7, 2013

Conversations With Cute: It's A New Year

I lean over and touch my forehead to Riley's forehead

She Giggles and says: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

I took Riley popsicle away because she left the table
MaaaaaaaMom! Where is my pop-sick-el?!?
Back in the freezer, you know the rules.
But I WANT it! I'm NOT done....etc (several minutes of fussing in protest)
Hey Riley, wanna take a shower?
brief pause in fussing
(while running at full speed toward the bathroom)
Oh yes! I feel so guilty now. I am as excited as the world. Sorry about fussing. Yes, please a shower.
Those are EXACT words.

Riley to me at nap time:
Mommy can you read "The Monster That Ate My Socks" on your candle?
(Laughing) Kindle, honey. Sure.
Oh good! Let's push that story.(referring to the way you turn electronic pages)

Riley loves to clean so much. She was wiping my kitchen cupboards while I did dishes when suddenly it was more than she could bear.
What is this? (points to a reddish drip on the cupboard)
(Without looking up) I don't know Riley
Daddy! Daddy!
What Riley?
What IS this! What the HECK is it?!? (pointing to the same drip)
No!! It's pizza sauce! Daddy, did you make this mess?
You did. Damn it Daddy. You made this mess.

Remember while Mike is generally a slob, this was merely one drip on one cupboard. Her exasperation and cursing were a complete surprise. Don't worry Mike apologized and Riley wiped it off. Stupid white cabinets.

While playing with the magnetic dolls her Grandma gave her for Christmas I offered Riley a red coat for her girl.
She considered it briefly, held it up to her doll and then rejected it saying: No, it's too...French!
(I have have no idea why she would say that, but I found it very funny).

In the car.
The grass is wet
The grass is wet because...the bees dropped pollen on it.
(laughing Mike explains about dew)
Oh, can you SEE pollen?
Not one piece, but when there's a lot of it.
Do bees leave footprints in the wet dew?


  1. Those are some very cute things she said! Suzanne

    1. Your little one is right up there too. "wear short sleeves." amazing.

  2. Since publication Mike claims she actually said "You made a big damn it mess, Daddy." I still think my report is accurate.

    1. No, she said "This is a big dammit mess you made daddy!"

  3. These conversations are adorable! What a cute kid you have. If you're interested in getting involved with the greater CP community, or you need any cerebral palsy resources, definitely check out our website. I think you'll find it helpful! Good luck with the little one!
