Saturday, June 21, 2014

100 Days of Happy: Eighth Ten

For those of you unfamiliar with the sunny little campaign that's making the rounds on social media click here.

Here's round eight (Can you believe it? Almost Done.) of my daily happy. In case you missed any they're here are one through ten, second set, third set, fourth set, fifth set, sixth set and the seventh set. Ready, set...round eight of looking on the bright side.

Here's seventy one through eighty

Day 71

I escaped! Pizza at home for the kids, steak out for mom & dad. #100HappyDays #Day71

Day 72

Modern Medicine. #100HappyDays #Day72

Day 73

New fish friend. He's an Oscar we named Mr. Nebbercracker.#100HappyDays #Day73

Day 74

Father's Day dinner! #100HappyDays #Day74 #Traditions #Yummy #ThreeGenerations

Day 75

Milkshake #100HappyDays #Day75

Day 76

That's silly! #100HappyDays #Day76

Day 77

Sibling sweetness on a stormy summer evening. #100HappyDays #Day77

Day 78

Sweet dog saying hello. #100HappyDays #Day78

Day 79

Goodbye sun... #100HappyDays #Day79 #NoFilter #Sunset

Day 80

Someone's being adorable again... #100HappyDays #Day80

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