Sunday, June 15, 2014

100 Happy Days: Seventh Ten

For those of you unfamiliar with the sunny little campaign that's making the rounds on social media click here.

Here's round seven (Can you believe it? Gold star, me) of my daily happy. In case you missed any they're here are one through ten, second set, third set, fourth set, fifth set and the sixth set. Ready, set...round seven of looking on the bright side.

Here's sixty one through seventy

Day 61

Sick in bed today, decided to give myself a manicure. #100HappyDays #Day61 #OPIobsessed

Day 62

Last day of school preparations! #100HappyDays #Day62 #ChalkRocks

Day 63

As of 1:30pm it officially became summer at my house! To the pool! #100HappyDays #Day63

Day 64

Being at the library when it opens! #100HappyDays #Day64

Day 65

Free Donuts! Happy National Donut Day! #100HappyDays #Day65

Day 66

Don't try this at home, boys & girls. Dangerous science is awesome! #100HappyDays #Day66 #PlayingWithFire

Day 67

The Sunday paper in bed, thanks to Leeloo. #100HappyDays #Day67

Day 68

Craving fulfilled! Squeal! #100HappyDays #Day68 #DontJudge

Day 69

When I leave the store feeling like I won. #100HappyDays #Day69

Day 70

Getting lei-ed! #100HappyDays #Day70

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