Sunday, June 1, 2014

100 Happy Days: Sixth Ten

For those of you unfamiliar with the sunny little campaign that's making the rounds on social media click here.

Here's round six of my daily happy. In case you missed any they're here are one through ten, second set, third set, fourth set and the fifth set. Ready, set...round six of looking on the bright side.

Here's fifty one through sixty:

Day 51

Guess what I did today...#100HappyDays #Day51 #BreakALeg #LegsBroken #Auditions

Day 52

Mike gave me a Summer pedicure! Watermelon toes! #100HappyDays #Day52

Day 53

Ladybug girl in pajamas building Lego cars! #100HappyDays #Day53

Day 54

A job well done! Both, mine on this amazing book & his finishing elementary school. #100HappyDays #Day54

Day 55

So..this happened. #100HappyDays #Day55 #AnimalRescue

A crow flew/fell into the pool and got stuck. When it was clear he couldn't fly Mike brought him in to to save him from our animals while he heals. The cat sat watching him calmly for hours.

Day 56

Sister time! #100HappyDays #Day56

Day 57

Adults night out! #100HappyDays #Day57

Day 58

Hanging out with Mermaids! #100HappyDays #Day58 #MyOtherDaughters #LoveTheseGirls

Day 59

We found Riley's floor (anyone who's been over recently can tell you what a feat this was!) Woohoo! #100HappyDays #Day59 #ItTookThreeUs

Day 60

HBO shows on Amazon Prime, making sick days suck less! #100HappyDays #Day60 #SixFeetUnder #StupidImmuneSystem

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