Friday, November 11, 2011

Great Scott! It's Party Time.

Isaac woke up humming Happy Birthday. The day has arrived, although neither myself or the house seems at all ready. The show must go on. I haven't been sleeping great. It's hard to be comfortable, but I'll take that over a drug coma any day. So, I pretended to be with it as I instructed Isaac though some tasks and got Riley ready this morning. It's chilly today so it was harder to get moving than it should have been, too.

In summation, I am a superhero. Everything pressing got done and everyone got out the door. Now to delegate a few tasks to my mom, nap, get my dressing changed and maybe go to the store for party food later. I have cleaning help coming too (thank GOD!). Don't get me wrong, the house looks pretty good considering I was gone 3 days, but it's not party ready. I'm down to no cleaning ability at all (expect wiping things within arms reach) and I'm going to have parents I've never met before in my house tonight. Speaking of, I wonder if I could squeeze into "normal" pants? The swelling has been steadily decreasing, but jeans are probably still a few weeks away.

I want to make sure everything gets picked up, make sure food gets purchased, supervise decorating and be fresh and ready for company when they arrive. Is that a lot for 4 days after surgery? Well, it's my plan any way. I'm very excited for Isaac's first birthday at the new house.

I'll do my best to get pictures up tomorrow. 11/11/11, let's see about you...

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