Sunday, November 20, 2011

Conversing With Cute

Riley: Want a coooookie!
Mommy: Please?
Riley: Please, have a cookie.
Mommy: Here ya go.
Riley: Ah, (T)hank you!

She sits down and eats it. The room is silent for a minute. Then she springs to her feet.
Riley: Nother cookie, pleeeease.
Mommy: I don't know how old are you?
Riley: (Without skipping a beat) Twelve.
Mommy: (trying to stop laughing long enough to disagree) No you're not. How old are you, Riley?
Riley: (long pause) Two
Mommy: That's right. You're two so you can have two cookies. (I give her the cookie)
Daddy: (laughing) I bet you wish you were twelve now!

Several days later.

Mommy: What a good helper, Thank You.
Riley: You're Welcome!
Mommy: Should we have a cookie now?
Riley: Yes. I'm two, two cookies!

This morning Riley was laying in my bed talking to me and Mike was still dozing. She kept asking me to sing Tiny Tim faster and faster. She thought it was very funny. Eventually, Mike stirred and Riley gave him some hugs.

Riley: Good Mornin'!
Daddy: Hi, Riley
Riley: (pointing to the flowers I got in the hospital)they're not (s)cary. Want to (s)mell them!
Daddy: They don't really have a smell
Riley: It's ok, they're not (s)cary. (s)mell them!
Daddy: Ok (they "smell them)
(Riley stands up to look out the window and notices some green paint spots on the the white tile window sill)
Riley: Uh-oh! Daddy (s)pilled some paint.
Daddy: Where?
Riley: On dare! (points to the window)
Daddy: Oh
Riley: It's white not green. Don't paint there.
Daddy: Ok
Riley: Green for walls. You're supposed to be sorry.
Daddy: (laughing) I'm sorry, Riley.


  1. Where'd my comments go?? II SAID - This post made me laugh out loud!

  2. I was getting spam comments so I turned moderation back on.

  3. Hi, I've nominated you for an award, because I think you deserve it! Come check it out: :)

  4. It is cute!

    Very cute!

    Doesn't sound like the terrible twos to me.
