Thursday, November 3, 2011

Riley Makes Mommy Cry and Laugh

I've been trying to take everything in stride and remember I wouldn't see my baby for 48hrs very soon. There's been a lot of quality time and memory making moments overall. I really do love my girl. It's just tricky because we've entered the oppositional stage two-year-olds are famous for. I get that she needs to practice being assertive, but when it's aimed at you 12hrs a day for almost an entire week it wears thin.

She's usually so agreeable and sweet. This week she's been to time out more times than she has been in her whole short existence. For awful things like hitting Mommy. It's hard to take her places. I tried to bring her with me to the store for my stock up before surgery trip. Big Mistake. It went something like this:
Riley, do you what Blueberry or Apple nurti-grain bars (her favorite)?
Oh, you don't want any. (walking away)
No. I don't like it. I don't! Go back.
Can you ask nicely?
Pleee-ase! nutri-grain bars.
(I put them in the cart)
(she reaches back and picks up the box)
Are you gonna hold them? Thank you helper.
(Pause)No!(she tosses them on the floor)
So much fun. Cryptic answers and erratic behavior really mess with your concentration. I must have made 3 round trips of that stupid store picking up stuff I forgot. Also, it is clear we are in a phase where it is no longer the best plan to get her a cookie at the bakery before we start shopping. I miss when she munched quietly and calmly through the store.

I was living Llama Llama Mad At Momma today. It was bad, but I'm fairly confident it will pass. She is a sweet one at heart. On a lighter note Riley's been watching my old VHS copy of The My Little Pony Movie and apparently she picked up some phrases. Yesterday at the coffee shop while waiting for “Grandma Dorween” she exclaimed "What will become of us." It was pretty stinking cute, but I'm glad I recognized the context. At the store today she said "Never break promise, never!" Ponies strike again. She delivers these with perfect emotion and inflection. She does her actress Mommy proud. I laughed so hard I cried.

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