Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Stitch in Time

Today was the day. The first time I'd see Dr. B since I left the hospital and get my stitches out. I was so excited because this is a big milestone in the healing process. It also means no more stupid dressing with stupid tape making stupid wrinkles in my skin that ITCH. I very much appreciate the use of stitches because they make a nicer scar and in my opinion are much easier to get out.

Riley and I in the waiting room.

Riley putting grandma's pen to good use on the exam table paper. Just like her Momma did thousands of times as a child over the course of 15yrs worth of orthopedic surgeries. Ah, memories.

Laying on the exam table, insisting Grandma trace her. Then she sat up and pointed at the outline and said "There's Riley!!" It was adorable. We made a family of hand turkies as well. She was so bubbly today greeting everyone and wishing them all Happy Thanksgiving. Until Dr. B came in. He was very sweet and he spoke directly to her like a person (which Old Ortho never did). She clammed up, pouted and shook her head in response. It was strange. He didn't do anything scary. He reported I was healing well. It was amazing to see my hip in the socket correctly on the X-ray.

When Dr. B left Riley said "That was (s)carey." I was taken aback. I asked if Dr. B was scary and she said "it was terrible." with teary eyes. I hugged her and assured her he was gone. When the nurse came in to pull the stitches Riley watched the whole thing without batting an eyelash and spoke very sweetly to her.

Even stranger when we passed the Dr in the hall she kindly wished him a happy holiday. I can't even guess what that was about. The ladies at the front desk thought Riley was adorable and gave her a cookie. Oh, to be two...

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