Wednesday, November 9, 2011

End of (hospital) Days?!?

Today I kicked butt. I did everything required for discharge. I couldn't wait for afternoon to come and discharge papers to materialize. When 2:00 came and went I got a little stressed. It would be a bummer not to go home today, but at least I'd have it from the horse's mouth.

I'd given him the benefit of the doubt and soldiered on, until it started to approach shift change. Woah, my nurse is going to depart for the night and we know nothing?!? No. Wait a minute, I did everything I was supposed to do to go home. I want to go home. What's going on?

I promptly finished my dinner and hopped in the wheelchair. I was going to make damn sure I wasn't forgotten. I wanted to be discharged or at least hear from the doctor why I wasn't being discharged. I sat in the hallway, I wheeled the the length or the unit and I checked in at the nurse's station a few times. After two hours the charge nurse informed me Dr. B was on trauma call and it would be hours if I saw him at all tonight.

I want to go home. I have no recourse. I have to stay another night because he's busy. In the meantime my night nurse has yet to identify themselves. At the end of hospital stay when you're at a higher level of independence everyone begins to ignore you. Really stoked I'm still here for this Dr. B, thanks a bunch. Huge waste of everyone's time. If no one's taking care of me why am I here?

Spoke to soon

I was a very squeaky wheel and sure enough Dr. B appeared at 9pm (minutes after the original post was published). He checked my incision and asked me a few questions. Are you sure you're ready to go home? Are you sure you want to be discharged now instead of in the morning? I also clarified that the blood thinner injections were just during my hospital stay I'll be taking Aspirin twice a day at home. Yay!!

I have a follow up with the Dr right before Thanksgiving. Until then, he gave me a very stern expression and instructed me to "take it easy" in that I mean it tone. No weight bearing on my left foot of two weeks. Aye, aye.

I was home in bed by 10:00pm last night. It was such a relief.

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