Saturday, April 28, 2012

Puppy Picking

This week we realized had been in our house a year, had a fenced backyard and our youngest was potty trained. All the things we were waiting for had happened. Then Mike was leaning over my computer showing me some beautiful Golden Retriever puppies. I hesitated because for so long there were reasons it didn't make sense, but there weren't any now. The only thing that worried me was our up coming weekend in Boston. So before I entertained the possibility, I called the person who takes such good care of Riley and loves dogs more than anyone I know. I guess the long wait to get to this point made me paranoid because I expected to be judged and called crazy. Instead my friend was thrilled for me and happy to puppy sit in a month.

Then I hit the phones. The first litter Mike found was very close to home, but they were already 8 weeks and ready to go to their new homes. I missed the last puppy, by 15minutes. I got despondent. What if God doesn't want us to have a dog? But I want one so bad and we're ready now. Than I made two more calls and left voice mails expressing interest in puppies and waited.

We talked over the last year about rescuing a dog and getting an older dog, etc. In the long run we decided starting from the beginning was the best thing for our family. We both wanted to feel secure about the dog's temperament. We needed a smart, friendly dog that can handle Mom's mobility issues, a toddler and a nine year old boy.

When my phone rang, I just about cried from excitement. A wonderful lady had Golden Retriever puppies left. She had boys and girls. They were a day away from 7weeks and an hour and a half away. We decided to go meet them that evening. The kids were beside themselves with excitement.

We had three little ones to choose between and only one was a boy. I was sure I wanted a boy too. I had told the breeder and Mike as much. I had boy dogs growing up. He was wonderful too. First born of the litter and already a looker.

He was an assertive little sweatie pie and I was a little biased so I spent a lot of time with him at first. Total lovebug. Then I made a point to visit his sister and suddenly my heart was aching at having to choose between them. She was a little more passive, but no shrinking violet by any means. She was very sweet. Wouldn't you know it, she is our new baby. She comes home next Saturday.

We're complete. I'm so happy. I can't wait to have her home.


  1. You are a wonderful writer..!~! Elizabeth

  2. Congratulations on picking out your new 'baby'! You will have so much fun with her, and I bet the kids are so excited! Can't wait to see picture updates of the new girl!
