Saturday, June 30, 2012

Doing A Happy Dance!

We're still pretty new on the dance scene. Riley is only now a few months shy of 3. It honestly, never would have occurred to me to look for a dance class last fall if my friend hadn't seen the ad and decided to take her daughter too. It worked out very well. Dancing once a week with your friends, nothing beats that. I felt like the new kid in class at recital time for sure. After that adventure, classes were done, but I had no idea for how long.

Yesterday evening I got a call from her dance studio saying registration was this morning between 10a-12p. Cool! Here I was, believing we were on dance class hiatus until fall. Then I went to talk to Mike about timing, money and general opinions about how to proceed with Riley's dance career. We decided closer to home and earlier in the day and week would be better. The research began, and what do you know, my Google-Fu produced an option less then 5min away, in the same price range with a 2.5-3yr old class on Tuesdays at 4:45pm. Score.

I was a little worried about leaving the familiar behind, but this new place had a lot going for it. I explained very carefully to Riley that we would go check out this new place and if we didn't like it we'd go to the other one and register. I also knew her best friend who danced with her all last year wouldn't be a part of summer dance classes no matter where we went. Change was in the wind.

Riley ready to go:

When I got to the potential new school I was instantly thrilled by its proximity. Riley was a little hesitant, but ready, as always, for the adventure. I loved their beautiful space and Riley gave the dance floor a sufficient test spin. It just felt right. So we signed up, but this was the real deal. Riley was going to need plain pink or black leotards, pink tights, ballet slippers and tap shoes. We went straight off to Target after she was registered. We were able to get all her ballet stuff. She couldn't wait to try it all on.

She spun herself right out. So did Leeloo.

I don't think a pony would have made her any happier than dance classes resuming and getting real ballet slippers. She's a real ballerina now. Unfortunately, neither Target nor the adjacent shoe store had tap shoes. When I checked Ebay I was stunned that even the shoes people were selling used seemed to be about $30. No-freaking-way. I did find a discount dance supply site with tap shoes in Riley's size for about $17, but kept looking. I got all excited and even (oops) bid on a pair on Ebay that's auction didn't end soon enough to get them shipped before her classes start. Then I emailed some people from Craigslist, but they had posted early in June and I wasn't hopeful. I stuck with it. I only called two kids consignment stores before I found one that had her size. $5.99 for a like new new pair of patent leather, tie top tap shoes in almost perfect condition. Score!!

She's thrilled now. How she'll ever make it to the 10th I just don't know. In the meantime she'll spin and watch Gene Kelly videos and get excited. They grow up so fast. A real ballerina...


  1. She looks so sweet♥ Both pairs of shoes look like they fit perfect. Adorable. Sarah
