Insert your favorite joke here.
Seriously, in my opinion we've taken huge leaps and bounds as far as "co-parenting" goes. Pretty well gone are the days when people are limited by their gender roles as far as parents. No more sperm donor and sole breadwinner with no parental responsibilities. Even if one parent is working and the other stays with the kids they share the parenting job these days. But I'm not about to get off on a college woman's studies class inspired rant about equally in the nuclear family, no just wanted to make this particular observation...
I was feeling jealous that when Riley's with me we spend a lot of time getting down to business (eating, bathing, changing, etc) and less playing. Daddy's first priority is always to make her laugh first then change the diaper. He's more relaxed about a lot of things.
Specifically, he pushes my boundaries. If I'm frantically trying to keep one hand on Riley and do 20 other things he'll say "she's ok, let go." That's the moment I look around and think it over. He's right most of the time if she falls back on her nice soft carpet she'll be fine, if I let her sit in the tub while I'm right there (and keep her away from the faucet) she's fine...You're getting the picture. In general it's ok for me to back off a little. It's good for me to test and re-test my comfort level and her independence.
So thanks to Daddies everywhere.
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