Friday, February 11, 2011

When Mama's Sick...

Ain't nobody sick!  What the heck??

Seriously, I nurse everyone in the house through some horrible virus, remain intact and the minute they're on their feet I'm dying. EVERY TIME!! They all get to be sick together and then I suffer while they're bounding around full of energy.

Grrr. Happy Birthday here's a virus. It's a really annoying one that comes in stages so you keep thinking you're better and then BAM new symptom. Give me a break.

I feel like Filbert. Blow your nose. Wash your hands. Eat some crackers. Wash your hands. Go to the bathroom. Wash your hands. Change the baby. Wash your hands.

I wonder if you sneeze into your arm do you wash your hands? Probably. Seems like you should wash your arm. Honestly I was signing the "Journey of a Germ" song from Sid the Science Kid in my head during all the hand washing. Which didn't seem to be shortening the length of my cold at all, but who knows?

It's also further proof that even when you're sick there's no TV for grown-ups. In fact, that's lots and lots of kiddie shows while you lay limply on the couch wondering if anyone ever died from coughing or literally blew their brains out.

Stupid immune system! You'd think having kids would give you super immunities. Maybe it will by the time they're out of the house.

How do you do it? How do other moms survive when you're sick and they're not?


  1. Jennifer: feel better. I lay on the couch and watch him destroy the house. If possible try and dig up a different toy to entertain him for awhile.... awwww

  2. Audrey: I'm sick as well, had to make my own chicken soup :/
