February is my favorite month. It always has been not just because it's my birth month. Although, birthdays are super important to me. I think everyone should have one day a year that's all about them. I like that it's a weird-o with 28 days and the sole determiner of a leap year.
February is also over-booked, just like me. Grammys, occasionally a Super Bowl, Groundhog's Day, Valentine's Day, Black History Month. Busy, busy busy.
Last year my birthday was a really big deal because it was a reaffirmation that I had been a whole person before Riley and (gasp!) I am still my own separate person with birthdays and friends outside of motherhood.
February is a once a year reminder that the kids aren't the only ones who have have grown and changed. It's a busy, crazy, up-and-down reminder of where I've been and where I'm going. Or at least a reminder to consider it.
When I was single thinking about myself was part of any average day, but now it takes some special date on a calender to flip the lever that causes the train to jump to another track.
February, is it? Why hello again, me. You're looking older I do hope wiser too. In that case resume congratulating and berating yourself in turn. Job well done with the aging. Same time next year?
Happy February! Happy Birthday with much love, Mom PS Happpy Hedgehog day<3