Saturday, February 26, 2011

Isaac and the Wonderful, Amazing, Not Bad, Very Good Day

Me: You're going to have a good day today, right?
Isaac: (Looks up from making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich) I think so
Me: You think so or you are?
Isaac: (Suddenly noticing a paper on the fridge) Oh! I forgot my New Years Resolutions!

He reads them:

Follow directions from Mom and Dad and my teacher. Not have emotional outbursts at school. Take better care of pets.
(I abridged them)

Me: Those are great resolutions.
Isaac: Don't worry I remember them now.
Me: So, you're gonna get a blue today? Or a purple!
Isaac: I don't know...maybe a blue, but purple is not really...ah..getting that isn't...
Dad (from the living room):  attainable
Me: Thanks honey.(giving Mike a look) You used to tell me all the time you were going to get a purple and most of the time you did.
Isaac considers
Me: For the last couple weeks you've been trying for blue and getting greens. Maybe if you try for purple you'll get blue. (there's a little Winnie-the-Pooh and the sandpit logic for you)
Isaac: (Sigh) Well, what will happen?
Me: If you get a blue? You'll have a fun weekend.
Isaac: Ok!
He proceeds to go out the door empty handed. I call to let them know his backpack and lunch are on the couch. (good start buddy)

That afternoon climbing into my car.
Isaac: I have some good newses
Me: Get in and buckle up people are waiting. Good news?
Isaac: Yeah.
Me: Well, what color?
Isaac: Blue! And I didn't have any emotional out breaks! My eyes were as dry as bones! As dry as a desert....
Me: That's awesome! You're too old to be doing that stuff.
Isaac: But I didn't! Not one time today.
Me: Good, so today can be the first day of never doing that again.
Isaac: Yeah! And!
Me: And?
Isaac: I got all of my subtraction right for the first time (he has one minute to do 30 addition and 30 subtraction problems)
Me: That's great buddy I'm so glad.
Isaac: I learned that if you say them quieter you go faster.
Me: huh? What do mean?
Isaac: If you say them quieter you go faster.
(maybe he means in his head?)
Isaac: And!
Me: And?!? There's more?
Isaac: I got my report card.
Me: Good grades?
Isaac: Yup, Es Vs and Ss
Me: that's great
Isaac: E means excellent, V means very good, S means sat..satisfactory, N means needs improvement. But I don't have any of those! U means un..unsatfunktory and that's it.
Me: Unsatisfactory. It means it didn't sat-is-fy the requirements. Like you were required to get a blue to have a fun weekend.
Isaac: listen to what my teacher wrote it's so nice! (he reads)
Me: That's great buddy! What a great day.
Isaac: So, what's for dessert?
Me: Let's decide what's for dinner first


  1. still funny on the second read! :)

  2. I still laugh reading it, but not as much as I laugh reading your blog. Thanks for the inspiration.
