Thursday, August 30, 2012

Potty Party

Toilet paper streamers? Must be a potty party. Unlike most of the "potty parties" I found online we were not trying to potty train a group kids. We were celebrating the successful completion of potty training with a group of kids. The last of the big girls achieved the milestone recently and it felt momentous so we threw something together.

Toilet paper streamers, a potty party banner, a "we did it" sign, panties as prizes and cookies on marshmallows to look like potties.

I baked large sugar cookies for them to decorate. They used food coloring markers and chocolate chips to make them pretty. Then Mrs. D. put small chocolate chip cookies on top of large marshmallows to look like potties. The girls danced some of the sugar off to Laurie Bernker's Party Day video. After that we played games for prizes which included pretty new panties. Also in the "booty" they received were small bottles of nail polish so spontaneous manicures broke out at the end. Goodbye diapers don't let the door hit ya on the way out!

(Note the coffee, this has been a busy week.)

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