Wednesday, August 8, 2012

That's A Wrap, Worldly Wednesday

I'm sad to report we never got a response from our pen pals. We started with a little boy in China and when he never responded we tried a girl in England, but never heard back. I'm guessing kids write to their pen pals more regularly during the school year. We studied a hand full of Asian countries (mainly China & Japan), Australia and New Zealand, The United States and today we wrapped up with a discussion of the Celts.

On our summer schedule we're typically on the go Tuesdays (library), Thursdays (take-a-trip) and Fridays (errands). Mondays and Wednesdays we usually stay put, but today I had a bone density test. Every time I thought about it I heard an old fashioned comedy routine: how dense are your bones? My bones are soooooo dense....cheesy punch line and ba, da, bum ching. So, we did a little math and had some literary discussion (Matilda and Coraline) before we headed out.

Apparently, they measure bone density by taking x-rays of growth plates and measuring something. They normally do your leg, wrist, hip and spine. They had to skip my spine because of the rods though. It was very brief. Isaac waited with Grandma and did almost two sections in his workbook. Afterwards, we got happy meals at the new McDonalds and I had planned on taking Isaac to Brave, but it wasn't to be. Maybe over the weekend.

We came home and poured over the The Book of Kells and lots of other stunning examples of Celtic knots. I told Isaac as much as I could remember driving back from my appointment, but we filled in the blanks when we got home with help of the interweb. I gave him a Celtic cross to color and asked him to design his own as well.

After that, I tagged Mike in for dinner and bedtime and went off to a meeting at Panera. (:

Goodbye, Worldly Wednesday.

In other news, we had "Preschool Jams" with Riley's friends yesterday since the library program is done and then dance class. Here is some cuteness:

Jamming in Dress-up Clothes

Dance Class

Riley and her "big girl friend" C.

Fancy star stamp for a job well done.

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