Monday, March 28, 2011

Mrs. Cellophane

Today I was invisible, ineffectual and unimportant. "You can look right through me walk right by me and never know I'm there." I'll do jazz hands later.

I got all the basic needs met for the kiddos. I thought maybe it was going to be a good day, for a Monday. Riley and the universe were in on the cosmic psych headed my way. Little Miss Roo came to me with a book picked up her sippy cup and lead the way to her room. Mommy's dream come true, right? She climbed in to her bed and waited for me to read her story. She had her story, her sippy cup of water, a doze of Tylenol (teething),and was all snuggled in 15min later.

Inspired by the easy nap time I got out of my pajamas and into some real clothes a mere 4hrs after the kids were dressed. I crawled around the living room picking up toys and set the Roomba loose. All the sudden after laying quietly in her bed all that time Riley was now wailing at the baby gate in her doorway. Ignore her I thought. Finish what your doing, she'll settle down. It's always a hundred times harder to get Riley to nap when Isaac's home not napping. As far as settling done, wrong.

She was an unattractive shade of red, almost purple, and screaming when I finished what I doing and turned around. She also somehow had managed to get the Tylenol that I left "out of reach" on the changing table. Stupid teeth. I went to the gate and told her to go lay down and she tearfully obliged climbing all the way up to her pillow. My poor girl. I came in once she was laying down and rubbed her hand until she fell asleep.

It's hard to keep a stir crazy 8yr old quiet during nap time. I resorted to bribery. I gave him candy. For the record I should have known that was a stupid plan. Now it was mid-day, pouring rain and he was sugared up and louder than ever. We had company as soon as Riley was up and finished with lunch. Riley and Isaac were both super clingy. Riley was clingy to me. Isaac was clingy to the company he'd never met before.

It was strange to meet my mom's childhood friend. Isaac decided if everyone in the room wasn't laughing or praising him he hadn't spoken loud enough. So at raising levels of volume he exclaimed things like "They LICK their eyeballs!" or "I know about giant squids". It was hard to follow anything that was going on because Riley was glued to me and insisted we read a book. I was relieved when they left it felt so chaotic.

The weather was awful, Isaac was hyper, Riley was teething and the living room was "mostly clean" so at that point I gave up. I turned on an episode of 30 Rock and send Riley to play with her brother. I kept looking at the clock thinking "it has to later than that. The kids were making a huge mess and lots of noise but not killing each other so I didn't care. All that looking at the clock..

I knew Isaac needed to be at TaeKwonDo at 6. I had reminded him at least 3 times over the course of the day. I blew it. I completely spaced. I got an upsetting phone call and I was anxious about a doctor's appointment the next day. My head wasn't in the game by evening. Isaac was surprisingly cool about it, but I had horrible guilt. Mike was completely unreachable for an hour and I was starving by the time he got home.

I was trying to explain how I hadn't felt like anyone was listening to me all day, but he was completely distracted and didn't hear me. Ugh, maybe I'll be "back" tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. What? ... Did someone blog something? JK! Hang in there! Better yet - hang in there over here! Come over and let the toddlers make you laugh!
