Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What's Happening Here?!?

Caption this picture is a little game I borrowed from Sprinkles on Pumpkins. I figure if it's good enough for an Office episode it's good enough for my blog.

What's happening here? Just leave your caption in the comments (you may comment anonymously). It's more fun if you write yours before you read what others wrote. On your mark, get set, Go!


  1. Says darling little girl: Oh WTF has happened to my life!?? It used to be just me and Mommy!!

  2. Thanks for getting the ball rolling! I have one too, but I want to see what people come up first. I should also say I have NO IDEA what was actually happening I didn't take this picture.

  3. Are you seriously taking my picture NOW? With no pants on!

  4. Aimee-As my dear momma used to say, "Welcome to Bedlam!"

  5. RR: Oh MAN! My pants fell off AGAIN!

  6. ...Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
    Donald or Robert or Willie or–
    Huh? You say it’s mine? Oh, dear,
    I knew it looked familiar!


  7. Calgon... Take me away!!!
    ~ Maggie Estes

  8. Whose BRILLIANT idea was it for me to be born into a family where I'd have a BROTHER???????

  9. Oh! Nice work so far. Keep it up.

  10. "I cant believe you said that!"

  11. No Isaac!! You can't put a plaid couch in the room with polka dot wall paper. Amateur.

  12. WHAT am I going to do with you Isaac?!?! I mean REALLY! This is RIDICULOUS! I'm just beside myself at this point! If I've told you once, I've told you twice or like a million times that... wait, now what am I upset about...?
