Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Strangeness

It should surprise no one that Isaac's Mother's Day card this year was a little odd after what happened last year. I don't have any real context to offer there wasn't any.

He presented me with a large pice of pink construction paper folded in half with two worksheets stapled inside. The one on the left had questions he was supposed to answer like My mom is great because ___________. Hard to go wrong with one of those because they've done all the heavy lifting for you. Here's what it said:

I can see where he was going with "Mom is special because she is disabled" in light of "special people", "special ed", and the special olympics. I even understand the mild laziness of "I Like it when my mom helps me with something" way to be vauge kiddo. What got me was his final answer: "My mom is smart! She even knows how to drive disabeled!" He even ended it with an exclaimation point. He wrote a whole story about how smart his dad is at the beginning of the year and the only example he could think of for me was that I drive?!? It made me wonder if someone said something to him implying that it was remarkable in some way that I can drive a car. What a load of bologna.

I know I'm supposed to love everything the kids give me, but come on. I asked him to tell me another reason I was smart since being physically capable of driving didn't really count and he couldn't think of one. Ouch. When I rattled off a of things I do for him that require inteligence later in the day Isaac laughed and said "Oh, yeah."

The weirdness kicked up a notch on the right side of my card. It said mother down the side and he was supposed to write something for each letter and then a little paragraph about why mom's great. Here's what he came up with.

Rising, crashing, breaking, Oh My! Maybe he thought he was supposed to be doing nature haiku. I really have no idea.

Bonus points for drawing a hedgehog on the back.

It's the thought that counts I just wish I knew what he was thinking. The brain of an 8yr old is an interesting place.


  1. ‎"Euro of women will rise/ Rise on Mother's Day. It's going to be a good time." They broke the mold when they made Isaac -Rebekah

  2. This is awesome, the left side focuses almost entirely on your disability and the right side reminds me some televangelist healing sermon. So if you just have him read the right side with strong conviction into a microphone while placing his hand on your forehead then you should be healed!

  3. Wow, I hadn't read it that way, but you're right. (:

  4. Okay you have to be totally missing the point of this card. FIRST, the left side brought tears to my eyes, literally. I'm sniffing with a tissue over here. How proud this kid is of you! It's so obvious. He just put it into words the best way he knew how. Or so I think not knowing either of you. haha. SECOND, I really don't know what's going on with the other half of that card, but boy is that priceless. And now I'm laughing. :)
