Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sicky McCrankypants Magoo

Yes, Riley's still at it. She's feverish, cranky and it's been almost 48hrs since she's eaten. I think this is the sickest she's been in her whole life. It's days like this that I wish I was still breast feeding. Poor, pathetic little Roo. We've been hanging out in my bed alot. Today my normally very busy little 15mo laid next to me for an hour of Shrek Forever After. Nap times which were sourly needed were awful because she had to be in her crib alone for that. She was so miserable all day.

At bathtime her fever seemed to be gone for good, but we discovered a rash all over her body. That's when alight bulb went on for me. I remember a mom at my new mom's group describing a terrible rash after a fever. It was that Roseola thing.

Mystery solved. After bath her appetite finally returned! She started happily playing like she'd never been sick. Phew!


  1. Shannon: and I were at the hospital togethr for only a short time, so I don't know if you were there when my son had Roseola. Classic signs. Glad the fever broke--that's the scariest part

  2. Lauren: I remember when G.'s fever spiked to 105 for a few days, then it disappeared and in came the rash! She should be immune to it now though!!
