My priorities in order of importance: Unpack all remaining boxes (there aren't very many left), finish painting touch ups in Isaac's room, get Isaac's furniture into a more functional formation, laundry (where did it all come from?!?), start painting the baby's room, organize kitchen cabinets (now that I have everything), cleaning, organize my own closets and drawers, hook up blue ray in the bedroom (the living room one has been hooked up since day 1), organize my desk/craft stuff, make invites to house warming play date, etc etc (I could write this list for days).
Mike's Priorities: Set up shed (aka man cave), set up living room tv, blueray, stereo, etc (including programming remotes), mount speakers and camouflage wires, landscape backyard, build swing set
I would like to point out that nothing on my list is finished and his list is complete. This is simply because he gives himself less general tasks than for example unpack all boxes. Also because he doesn't mind if one item takes him all day (and doesn't have a toddler under foot). The other reason is I can only tell you what his priorities are after he's started a project because I can't even begin to guess what he'll decide is important.
It should also be noted that his priorities make him a hero. Although I get everyone up on time, fed, bathed, etc I am never a hero. My goals are too mundane, I suppose. I do what has to be done because it has to be done and he does what he wants to do next because I will always make sure what has to be done is.
I'm really grateful, today. The kids needed a swing set. They're so happy. Check with me again tomorrow...